
Creating stubs using the Hoverfly Java DSL

One of the things I like best about the option to write stubs for service virtualization in code is that by doing so, you’re able to store them in and access them through the same version control system (Git, for...

On elegance

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been reading up on the works of one of the most famous Dutch computer scientists of all time: Edsger W. Dijkstra. Being from the same country and sharing a last name (we’re not...

Trust automation

By now, most people will be aware that the primary goal of test automation is NOT ‘finding bugs’. Sure, it’s nice if your automated tests catch a bug or two that would otherwise find its way into your production environment,...

Managing and publishing test results with Tesults

A very important factor in the success of test automation is making test results readily available for everyone to see. Even the greatest set of automated tests becomes a lot less powerful if the results aren’t visible to anybody interested...

Review: Automation Guild 2017

About half a year ago, in July of 2016 to be exact, I was invited by Joe from the well-known TestTalks podcast to contribute to a new initiative he had come up with: the Automation Guild conference. Joe was looking...