
Using data table types in Cucumber-JVM

In a blog post I wrote a while ago, I gave some examples on how to specify data in Cucumber feature files in tables to make your specifications easier to read, and showed you how to parse the data in...

Let's talk about behaviour, instead

A while ago I wrote a short post on LinkedIn on the use of categorizing test cases as ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ in software testing, and why I thought it wasn’t a really useful way to look at and talk about...

API mocking in JavaScript with Pactum

A while ago, I wrote a blog post about Pactum, a JavaScript library for API testing, mocking and contract testing. In that blog post, I focused on the API testing capabilities that Pactum provided. In this post, I’d like to...

API mocking in C# with WireMock.Net

Those of you who have been reading my blog posts for a while probably know I am a big fan of WireMock, the open source API mocking / service virtualization tool written in Java. I’ve even created and published a...