
On becoming a test automation craftsman

As an automation engineer, it’s hard not to get carried away by the latest tools, frameworks (I don’t like that word, but hey) and other gizmos when you’re dutifully automating away. New tools that promise to make your test automation...

Review: TestCon 2016 – speaking abroad for the first time

Last week I experienced another ‘first’ in my career as a consultant: my first speaking gig abroad. The event: TestCon 2016. Location: Vilnius, Lithuania. Another first there: I’d never been to Lithuania before! I wasn’t sure what to expect, but...

Open sourcing my workshop on WireMock

For those of you that want to jump to the good stuff directly, you can find the workshop slides, exercises and everything related here. A couple of weeks ago I was given the opportunity to deliver another workshop before TestNet,...

Review: TestWorksConf 2016

Last week I attended the second edition of TestWorksConf, a conference on test automation and lots of other things technical and related to testing. After the first edition last year my expectations were pretty high, since Xebia (the organisers) had...

(De)serializing POJOs in REST Assured

In this post, I’d like to demonstrate how you can leverage the ability of REST Assured to (de-)serialize Plain Old Java Objects (better known as POJOs) for more powerful testing. As an example, we’ll use the following POJO representing a...