
Five considerations before choosing an automated testing solution

Selecting a tool to aid your project or organisation with the implementation of automated software testing can be a daunting task. Many tools are available, each of them with its own benefits and drawbacks. The following considerations will provide you...

Data driven testing using a test data database

In a previous post I explained how to set up a data driven test in Selenium Webdriver using data from an Excel worksheet. However, you might have your potential test data stored in a database rather than in Excel. In...

Testing RESTful webservices

With the world of IT systems and applications becoming more and more distributed, testing the interfaces between system components becomes ever more important. In a previous post I have introduced a very basic way to test a SOAP web service...

Up and running with: Selendroid

This is the second article in our series on new, popular or otherwise interesting tools used in test automation. You can read all posts within this series by clicking here. What is Selendroid? Selendroid is a test automation framework for...

Create your own HTML report from Selenium tests

As I am learning more and more about using Selenium Webdriver efficiently (experiences I try to share through this blog), I’m slowly turning away from my original standpoint that user interface-based test automation is not for me. I am really...