
Getting started with RestAssured.Net

In a series of (short) blog posts, I would like to share with you some examples of how to use RestAssured.Net for writing tests for RESTful and GraphQL APIs. Getting started and basic examples (this blog post) Parameterized tests (De-)serialization...

On treating your test code like production code

“You should treat your test code like you treat your production code” Hardly a week goes by without someone saying this. In a talk, in a blog post, on LinkedIn, wherever. And I agree. You should treat your test code...

Introducing RestAssured.Net

As you might know, I am a fan of the REST Assured library for Java, most notably for the ease with which you can use it to write readable yet powerful tests for HTTP-based APIs. Also, ever since I worked...

The four pillars of object-oriented programming - part 4 - abstraction

In this blog post series, I’ll dive deeper into the four pillars (fundamental principles) of object-oriented programming: Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction (this post) Why? Because I think they are essential knowledge not just for developers, but definitely also for testers...

Approaches to contract testing

Recently, I have started working on a new consulting project with a client in the UK. In this role, I am helping them implement contract testing to get better insights into the effects that changes introduced by individual teams on...