
Some perspective on testing 'trends'

This blog post was published earlier in my (now defunct) weekly newsletter on January 31, 2023. Every year, often around the beginning of the year, I see the same phenomenon: people talking about trends and predictions about where the testing...

To BDD or not to BDD?

This blog post was published earlier in my (now defunct) weekly newsletter on January 24, 2023. Today’s blog post is inspired by a BDD training course I’ve been running with a long-standing client of mine. I’ve been practicing and teaching...

Should you be dogmatic or pragmatic?

This blog post was published earlier in my (now defunct) weekly newsletter on January 17, 2023. In this blog post, I want to discuss an issue that’s under the hood of many questions I get, especially when I’m running training...

Testing your tests

This blog post was published earlier in my (now defunct) weekly newsletter on January 10, 2023. In this blog post, I’d like to talk about the practice of testing your tests, and why and how to do that. To be...

Learning new (automation) skills

This blog post was published earlier in my (now defunct) weekly newsletter on January 3, 2023. In this blog post, I wanted to share with you my views on and experiences with different ways to learn new skills. The examples...