
On asking ‘why?’ in test automation

This blog post is about something that’s been bothering me for a while, and that keeps coming up for some reason.. Whenever I talk to clients, see a discussion on LinkedIn or StackOverflow or read a blog post on something...

What does good test automation training look like?

As I’m moving away from by-the-hour work and more towards a hybrid of consulting, training, writing and speaking, one of the things I’m working on is slowly building up a workshop and training portfolio around topics I think I’m qualified...

Managing test data in end-to-end test automation

One of the biggest challenges I’m facing in projects I’m contributing to is the proper handling of test data in automated tests, and especially in end-to-end test automation. For unit and integration testing, it is often a good idea to...

On writing and publishing my first ebook

Sometimes, some of the most interesting things in life happen when you least expect them. Just over half a year ago now (I looked it up, it was on May 11th of this year, to be exact) I received an...

Looking forward to the 2017 conference season

Only a relatively short blog post this week, but it’s something that’s kept me busy for a while.. As we’re slowly moving towards 2017, and as I’m starting to reflect on the shift I’ve been making in how I fill...