
Do you want a framework or a solution?

Reading through recent comments on this blog, as well as questions that are being asked in some of the LinkedIn groups I am a member of, something has started to strike me as odd. It seems like that in every...

An update on crafting my career

Now that it’s almost time for me to go on what I think is a well deserved holiday, I thought it would be a good idea to take some time and see where I stand with regards to reshaping my...

Service virtualization: open source or commercial tooling?

I’ve been talking regularly about the benefits of introducing service virtualization to your software development and testing process. However, once you’ve decided that service virtualization is the way forward, you’re not quite there yet. One of the decisions that still...

Taking care of your test automation health

This blog post is heavily inspired by Mark Fewster‘s talk at the 2016 Test Automation Day. I believe that the topic of test automation health is an important yet often overlooked subject, so I decided to dedicate a blog post...